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Carol Ross Photography, Inc.
What's New
Carol Ross has continued success with her series of Wedding Related books published by Ronnie Seller’s Productions. The latest in this series is The Groom’s Guide, A Gentleman’s Indispensable Wedding Planner. 'The Bar/Bat Mitvah Planner', Everything you need to organize & plan a meaningful ceremony & a joyous celebration. Also, just released, 'Vows & Toasts', hundreds of ways to say I Do and Here's to You.
The book promises:
“This is for every man who wants his wedding – and the months of planning leading up to it – to be a class act. More than just a ‘how-to-do’ book, The Groom’s Guide is interspersed with anecdotes and stories delivered straight from the source: married and about-to-be married men. Filled with essential tools, charts, timelines, and advice, it’s civilized, humorous, and forthright from cover to cover.”
You can find The Groom’s Guide at you favorites Barnes & Noble, Amazon.com or contact Ronnie Seller’s Productions for the location nearest you.
One can only hope and ask: Can a Baby Book be far behind?
Nine Months & Counting Receives 2007 Benjamin Franklin Award
Nine Months & Counting Brings Home a 2007 iParenting Media Award
Ronnie Sellers Productions Introduces Deluxe Edition of Popular Title, The Bride's Year Ahead
"To see and purchase Carol's Boxed-sets of gift cards"

Brides Companion

Brides Year Ahead

Mother of the Bride

Grooms Guide

Nine Months & Counting

Vows & Toasts

Bar/Bat Mitvah Planner
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© Carol Ross Photography, Inc.